While the quality of Coach products is good, they don't compare to those from Louis Vuitton or Hermes in terms of luxury. Considering the price, Coach is directly in the middle range. It's not as affordable as Michael Kors or Kate Spade New York, but it's also less expensive than true luxury brands. Coach has gone through several changes and you'll agree with us that Coach isn't the same brand you interacted with some 20 years ago.
All of these high-quality leathers ensure that Coach bags have a luxurious finish and are also durable, so you know that you can have been using them for years with your new Coach bag. The Coach brand was founded in 1941 and initially began as a family business and workshop in Manhattan, under the name Coach New York. Coach also has several retail stores across the country, thanks to its expansion to Tokyo in 1988 and the wide product profile starting in 1992, which allowed Coach to diversify its classic designs for raincoats and trench coats, as well as formal outerwear. The brand changed again in 1985, when the Cahn's sold Coach to Sara Lee Corporation and Lew Frankfort took over as president of Coach.
However, the price of Coach wallets and bags is not the same as that of other luxury and high-end fashion brands, such as Louis Vuitton or Gucci, so others may not see Coach as a true luxury brand.